Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Learn Japanese: Basic Verbs





     Hey guys! For those of you getting ready to depart for Japan, whether it be a year or a semester or even a summer program, it`s important to learn a little Japanese before you go so that you don`t feel so lost, right? If you have just started studying Japanese, or have been learning for around a year or so, but feel like you aren`t prepared or that you need more matierial, here is a list of some of the most commonly used verbs that I can scrape up off of the top of my head. These are verbs that you will use often yourself, and will hear others use these in conversation and in written context. Whether you`re at school, at home, or at the train station, these verbs will be of great use to you! Let`s get started!

いく (行く) to go
くる (来る) to come
もどる (戻る) to return, to come back (もどってくる)
かえる (帰る) to come home, to return home (かえってくる)
あげる to give (you give to someone; someone does a favor for someone excluding yourself and those related to you)
くれる to give (someone gives to you; someone does a favor for you or someone in your family)
もらう/*いただく to recieve, to have someone do something
*いただく is the respectful form of the verb もらう     {そんけいご 尊敬語}
はなす (話す) to speak
しゃべる (喋る) to talk
いう/ゆう (言う) to say, to tell
どなる (怒鳴る) to yell
なく (泣く) to cry
わらう (笑う) to laugh
ほほえむ (微笑む) to smile
おならをする to fart, to pass gas
はく (吐く) to vomit, to puke
くしゃみがでる* to sneeze
げっぷがでる* to burp, to belch
あくびする to yawn
たべる/くう* (食べる・食う) to eat, to consume
のむ (飲む) to swallow, to drink (often used in the expression くすりを飲む to take medicine)
かむ (噛む) to bite, to chew
Aでむせる (咽る) to choke on A
*食う is male language and is not a very polite word to use, especially as a female.
のる (乗る) to get on, to ride (train, bus, etc.)
おりる (降りる) to get off (train, bus, etc.)
のりかえする (乗り換え)to switch trains
まちあわせる (待ち合わせる) to meet up, to rendezvous
むかえにくる (迎えに来る)to come and pick someone up
むかえにいく (迎えに行く) to go and pick someone up
つくる (作る) to make
つかう (使う) to use
すてる (捨てる) to throw away, to get rid off
おす (押す) to push
ひく (引く) to pull
Aにぶつかる to run into A, to bump against A
きる (切る) to cut
おぼえる (覚える) to remember
わすれる (忘れる) to forget
おもいだす (思い出す) to recall, to come to mind
おもう (思う) to think
かんがえる (考える) to decide, to think about, to consider
かんじる (感じる) to feel (emotions, etc.)
あるく (歩く) to walk
はしる (走る) to run
すべる (滑る) to slip
ける (蹴る) to kick
たつ (立つ) to stand
すわる (座る) to sit
おきる (起きる) to get up, to rise, to wake up
ねる (寝る) to sleep, to go to bed
ねぼうする (寝坊) to sleep in, to oversleep
てつやする (徹夜) to stay up all night, to pull an all-nighter

Best regards,

Sarah Swanner 須和奈 星羅 (すわな せいら)

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