Saturday, November 24, 2012

Successful Fundraiser

Buck's Party Shop

     Today I played my violin at a party shop where I live. I played popular Christmas songs, both religious and secular. I was paid $70 by the owners, and earned $50 something in tips. After counting up my stash, I scraped up $135!  Great success! My tuition is down to $10,201! Hopefully at my next fundraiser I'll chip off of that $200. I'm doing an art exhibit at my local symphony. I'll be sure to hand out cards with a link to my blog so that I can get more donations. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! 感謝祭おめでとう!Now Christmas is rolling around the corner, and it's time for me to send out my financial plight to the civic groups in my town. Hopefully they'll be willing to donate at least $20, if not more! This December 1st, I'll have only three months to get my tuition paid. It must be paid in full by March 1st. I hope I can make it! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm Going to Japan!

I Got Accepted!

AFS just sent me the e-mail informing me that AFS-Japan has just accepted my application! I'm really going now! I'm more motivated now than ever before. Fundraising has just gotten even more urgent. Thank you to whomever generously donated to my ChipIn button! That $230 combined from three donors helped me so much! My total left to pay on my tuition is $10,336.68. My art exhibit is coming up soon, so I'm hoping that I can knock off the $336.68 at least. Please, if you can't financially donate to my cause, share my page on Facebook or on Twitter. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Chatting with Friends

     For the past three months I've been a member of the AFS Japan 2013-2014 Spring Year group on Facebook, and in those three months I've made some amazing friends. This group was created to unite all the AFSers going to Japan on the same program, but it is now more of a group for those interested in Japan and its culture. Together we discuss our favorite things about Japan, our troubles with the numerous kanji, and we help each other untangle complicated grammar. It's a learning tool, but also a great way to form friendships with people just like yourself. My school, Enid High School, hardly has any people interested in Japan. Sure, we have those people who watch tons of anime and read piles upon piles of manga, but my interest in Japan runs deeper than that. I want to learn their language, befriend their people, and immerse myself in their culture. To my knowledge, most everyone on the AFS Japan group shares these interests. 
     Recently, the group has decided to start group chats through Google+ hangouts. Now we can hear each other's voices, and we can practice our spoken Japanese with one another. This helps a lot with pronunciation and thought process. Believe it or not, it's harder to process thoughts in Japanese and speak than it is to write in Japanese. While learning your kana and some basic kanji would benefit you, learning to quickly respond to spoken Japanese is vital. These hangouts help us achieve this skill. 
     For those of you who are interested in joining the AFS Japan group, follow this link:

     Anyone who is interested in Japan is more than welcome to join, however, as an admin of the group I must make some things very clear. 
1) The AFS Japan group is visible by AFS staff and volunteers and therefore the use of profanity or other such derogatory terms is strictly prohibited and will result in your deletion from the group. 
2) We understand that some members have studied the Japanese language longer than others, and while we encourage those with more knowledge to share what they know, we do not wish to have any arguments or belittling because of a lack of knowledge. Language differences must be discussed peacefully. The AFS Japan group is intended to be a learning tool and a source of information for those prospective exchange students to Japan.
3) As the AFS Japan group is intended for the study of Japanese culture, language, etc., please refrain from posting unrelated topics on our wall. (eg. clothing store links, unrelated YouTube links, app requests, Farmville updates) 


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Great News!

Scholarship Update

     Unfortunately, I was not selected as a finalist for the two Japan scholarships; however, I was given $1,000 in financial aid from Global Leaders! Thank you so much! I will make sure to write a BIG thank you letter! Now I can easily pay my first tuition installment this month. I had a silent auction at a Halloween party and I was able to raise about $700 that night. Thanks to all of my friends who graciously bid and to Jill Phillips for helping me out so much. I didn't manage to get pictures of my artwork at the silent auction, but I have photos of others I can share. 

River Girls

16 x 20
Acrylic medium

     This has to be one of my favorite paintings I've done. Most of my paintings are based on Asian culture and the Asian people. Depicted in River Girls are two Vietnamese women walking in a river together. This painting was bought for $200. This painting took me about two hours to paint. Prints are available if anyone would like to have one. 


                                                    Rain Girls

                                                                   (3) 8 x 16
                                                              Acrylic medium


                                                                          16 x 20
                                                                  Acrylic medium
                                                                     South Korea 

                                                  Yasaka Jinja

                                                                       16 x 20
                                                               Acrylic medium

     Those are a few of examples of what I paint. I have about $10,500 left of my tuition to pay. Wow, to think that number used to be $13,200! To think that with the help of friends, family, and Global Leaders I was able to cut down about $2,700! I was allowed time to raise my tuition until March 1st. Thank you AFS!!